Sunday, March 12, 2006

Love at First Click

I can't resist. I was up late, got bored, and went to the Yahoo Personals profiles to laugh at all the morons who put themselves on display for such public ridicule. Here are tonight's top contenders...

Bachelor no.1:
Wheelchair Wonder on MTV

Bachelor no.2:
Ecclectic Globe-trotting Wifi Lover (some interesting photoshop stuff here...look at him next to the spinx...i'm thinking...FAKE?)

Bachelor no.3:
I'm sure he likes boys instead, don't you agree?

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A bit of proof that, indeed, wonders DO never cease:

The proof I was mentioning up there? Yeah. It's here. It's me, I updated! yeah...nothing too great, but I reckoned I at least owed it to my few (emphasize on the FEW) and faithful fans to give you my scanned photos of my trip in's a "tease" (GEORGE!) photo for you's, and click the link below it for more...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

I guess you could say I was "angry", or "pissed"...

I am so sick and tired of people telling me what to do or not do with my hair. Can't they just be thankful I haven't dyed it pink or blue or gone with spikes or shaved my head or something completely insane?? NOTICE: It's on MY head, not yours. Bloody hell. If it looks good, leave it the way it is for fuck's sake. Stop forcing me to spend YOUR money on changing MY hair because you don't think it looks "natural" enough, even though you're the one who chose that blindingly blonde colour back in July, not me, when I told you that the natural colour was brown, and you didn't listen. That mistake right there, 6 months ago, cost you $130.00 and 6 hours....filim ah? You shoulda just left it brown. And now, after you see that I was right when I told you it was brown, all the high/low lights cost you $75.00 adn 3.5 hours....and better yet, the lowlights they put in and made the majority of my hair this colour, it's the SAME EXACT SHADE i coloured it back when you said you hated it. And yet, when I pointed that out this morning, you adamantly refused to believe it to be so.
BLOODY FUCKING HELL you could have saved yourself like $200.00 if you'd just listened to me in the beginning and didn't always have to have your way, and actually listened to someone else for once.